Quality model for E-learning platforms based on ISO/IEC 25000 standards
The objective of this research was to develop a quality model for e-learning platforms in higher training centers, based on ISO / IEC 25000 standards; The quantitative approach was used with a propositional scope and a non-experimental cross-sectional design; The questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument made up of 11 items and was applied to a sample of 20 subjects among administrative and teaching staff of the Information Technology Center CETI - Chiclayo-Peru. The results indicate that the Blackboard platform and the Moodle platform are the preferred ones in the implementation of virtual learning environments; For their part, 80% point out that monitoring student progress in real time is the most important feature that they would incorporate in the implementation of an e-learning platform. Therefore, a quality model for e-learning platforms in higher training centers was proposed, based on ISO / IEC 25000 standards. As a conclusion, it is specified that the adoption of an e-learning platform in higher training centers is essential for what is necessary to develop a quality model for these platforms.
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