Performance evaluation of HPS and HPS+FPGA hardware architectures for an image processing system

Keywords: Processing Algorithms; Hardware Architectures; SoC Platform; Performance; Image Processing


The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of hardware architectures: Hard Processor System (HPS) and the union of an HPS with a programmable gate array or FPGA (HPS + FPGA) for an image processing system. The following are evaluated: the execution time of the image processing algorithms and the energy consumption. For a SoC Platform, hardware design is performed at Verilog using the IP video cores of the Intel University Program (UP) - FPGA. The software for control and visualization of results using OpenCV is also developed. We worked with 320x240 pixels images. For a real time application it was observed an improvement of 38.8% in the execution time and a 6.85% higher consumption in the HPS+FPGA Architecture with respect to the HPS Architecture. The HPS+FPGA Architecture outperforms HPS and keeps power consumption low.


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Author Biographies

Cesar Arturo Niño Carmona, Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Docente Asociado. Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú. 

Manuel Jesús Sánchez-Chero, Universidad Nacional de Frontera. Perú.
Docente Investigador. Universidad Nacional de Frontera. Perú.
Emanuel Ortiz Ortiz, Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú

Bachiller. Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Juan Carlos Sernaque Julca, Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Bachiller. Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Cecilia Lizeth Risco Ipanaqué, Universidad Nacional de Frontera. Perú

Jefa (E) de la Unidad de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación. Universidad Nacional de Frontera. Perú. 


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How to Cite
Niño Carmona, C. A., Sánchez-Chero, M. J., Ortiz Ortiz, E., Sernaque Julca, J. C., & Risco Ipanaqué, C. L. (2021). Performance evaluation of HPS and HPS+FPGA hardware architectures for an image processing system. Journal of the University of Zulia , 12(32), 358-373.

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