Digital educational space in the professional training of a musical art teacher
The objective of this study was to determine whether higher education institutions, teachers and students of the specialization in musical art are prepared to create and use the digital educational space in the educational process. The study involved the following methods: literature review and analysis of the content of official documents of higher educational institutions that provide professional training for music teachers; survey; mathematical methods of data processing; Statistica software package. The research has shown that not all higher educational institutions have the necessary resources to implement learning in the digital education space. Besides, not all higher educational institutions teach subjects that help improve students’ digital literacy. There are also teachers who have difficulties using the digital educational space in the learning process due to lack of digital literacy. The study demonstrated awareness of the importance of using the digital educational space in the education of future music teachers. But, it is necessary to pay attention to improving the digital literacy of all participants in the educational process, as well as provide educational institutions with proper modern recourses, software, hardware and equipment, including also computer music technologies and electronic musical instruments.
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