Comparison of two platforms for distance learning students of Moscow Aviation Institute: Microsoft Teams and LMS Moodle
Microsoft Teams platform is a kind of messenger created on the basis of Microsoft Skype for Business in 2017. It implements the concept of a collaborative workspace and allows group members to organize joint online meetings, hold audio and video conferences and connect additional Microsoft services. Microsoft Teams implements the possibility of individual interaction between the teacher and the student through audio and video calls. In relation to the pandemic of coronavirus infection, on March 17, 2020, MAI completely switched to the distance learning mode. For the organization of distance educational process, LMS MAI website, based on the Moodle platform, is mainly used, but the range of its capabilities is limited. In order to expand opportunities and share the flow of students using the website for e-learning, many classes with students began to be held at Microsoft Teams. It has an intuitive interface and meets all the requirements of confidentiality and security: encryption, multi-factor authentication and device management are used to protect information; necessary protection mechanisms against unauthorized access are implemented. When this platform was studied a number of its advantages were identified compared to LMS Moodle platform, also there were system
vulnerabilities correlated with LMS and suggestions to eliminate them.
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