Analysis of the structural behavior of flat and circular self-supporting roof using finite elements

Keywords: Construction engineering, structural design, self-supporting roof, weight


The development and innovation of Science, specifically in the branch of construction in Civil engineering, has led the implementation of new alternatives in analysis, design and construction of industrial buildings. For this reason, in this research it was proposed to carry out a study of structural behavior of two types of self-supporting roofs: flat and circular, which were analyzed using computational tools for simulation through finite elements, in which initially the structure made up of columns, beams and steel sheets was completely modeled with an equivalent cross section, which made up the self-supporting roofs; then only the steel sheets with real cross section were discretized, and it was noted that in the extremes were the greatest stresses generated by the application of horizontal and vertical loads; and the maximum displacement of the circular roof was 14.32 % of the flat one.


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Author Biographies

David Patricio Guerrero-Cuasapaz, Salesian Polytechnic University

Professor. Civil Engineering Department, Salesian Polytechnic University. Quito, Ecuador.

Milton Bolívar Guerrón-Figueroa, Salesian Polytechnic University

Professor. Civil Engineering Department, Salesian Polytechnic University. Quito, Ecuador.

José Luis Pilamunga-Guallpa, Salesian Polytechnic University.

Professor. Civil Engineering Department, Salesian Polytechnic University. Quito, Ecuador.

Cristhian Daniel Páez-Redrován, Salesian Polytechnic University

Professor. Civil Engineering Department, Salesian Polytechnic University. Quito, Ecuador.

Nelson Andrés López-Machado, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Professor. Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Department, Pontifical Catholic
University of Chile. Santiago, Chile.


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How to Cite
Guerrero-Cuasapaz, D. P., Guerrón-Figueroa, M. B., Pilamunga-Guallpa, J. L., Páez-Redrován, C. D., & López-Machado, N. A. (2022). Analysis of the structural behavior of flat and circular self-supporting roof using finite elements. Journal of the University of Zulia , 13(36), 222-240.