The phenomenon of domestic violence: modern methods of prevention and effective means of protection

Keywords: domestic violence, victim, international cooperation, protection, cruelty


Domestic violence as a socially dangerous phenomenon poses a great threat to the proper functioning of the family. Protecting vulnerable populations from domestic violence and cruelty is an influential area of state action, and despite its importance, even highly developed democratic and legal states are unable to eliminate domestic violence. The work aims to study modern prevention methods and effective ways to protect against domestic violence, including social, legal, economic, medical and other aspects. The research methodology consists of methods, such as: historical-legal and  comparative-legal; formal and logical; empirical; cognitive; analogy method;  questionnaires; and program-target. The study summarized the recommendations that are necessary to further improve international cooperation and implement useful tools for such cooperation. As a result of the investigation, the authors concluded that in order to effectively combat intra-family violence, it is necessary to adopt regulations that promote collaboration in the fight against intra-family violence and carry out extensive educational work among the population, to combat impunity and violence. and  insecurity in people's thinking.


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Author Biographies

Nataliia Volkova, National University «Odesa Law Academy». Odessa Oblast, Ukraine.

Associate Professor of Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy». Odessa Oblast, Ukraine.

Yuliya Lisitsyna, Lviv StateUniversity of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

AssociateProfessor of theDepartment of Criminal Law, Institute of Law, Lviv StateUniversity of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Ilona Yasin, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law, Institute of Law, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Roman Andrusyshyn, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

AssociateProfessor of theDepartment of Social and Humanitarian Training, Faculty No 3 of theInstitutefor the Training of Specialists for the National Police of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Catherine Karmazina, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine.

Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Justice, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University; attorney at law; Secretary of Odessa Bar Council, Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Volkova, N., Lisitsyna, Y., Yasin, I., Andrusyshyn, R., & Karmazina, C. (2022). The phenomenon of domestic violence: modern methods of prevention and effective means of protection. Journal of the University of Zulia , 13(37), 305-320.