Regional spending and economic growth in Peru, 1999-2020
The article aims to prove that fiscal decentralization on the side of regional spending has an effect on economic growth. For this purpose, the pooled regression with ordinary least squares (OLS) is used as an estimation method based on panel data analysis, which includes 24 regions and the study period 1999-2020; it is analyzed with two dependent variables: economic growth and intra-regional inequality. Results: in the first case, there is little clarity to affirm the existence of regional economic convergence, but it is in line with Oates (1993), where spending contributes to economic growth under the response capacities of local institutions that generate well-being. When performing the analysis of inequality between the regions, a divergence between the Lima-Callao region and the rest of the regions is observed; in this case, incorporating capital spending in the short and long term reveals the existence of conditional convergence; The employed population with higher education contributes to these results, therefore, there is evidence of conditional economic convergence in the long term.
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