Legal aspects of the regulation of social relations with the participation of Artificial Intelligence
The objective of the work is to study the legal aspects of the regulation of social relations with the participation of artificial intelligence, as well as to analyze the features of such regulation taking into account international experience and recommendations of competent institutions. Although traditional legal doctrine emphasizes that legal norms regulate relations between people, the social relations with the participation of artificial intelligence develop rapidly. Thus, it is essential to analyze the legal aspects of the regulation of social relations with the participation of artificial intelligence, highlight the features and pay attention to the further development of such relations. The methodology of the research includes: method of comparison, historical method, system method, method of analysis and synthesis. As a result of the research the legal aspects of regulation of social relations with the participation of artificial intelligence are studied. In particular, the regulation of artificial intelligence depends on the positioning of such a phenomenon in social relations (only as an object; as a separate entity; positioning of both individual entities and the possible object of such legal relations). It was also emphasized that the study of the legal personality of artificial intelligence requires further scientific substantiation using international standards.
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