Phenomenology as a methodological proposal for the Social Sciences. A reflection on scientific research
Phenomenology has become a scientific method of great validity and reliability; Husserl, its precursor, understood it as a descriptive analysis of the intentional experiences of the subject consciousness. However, there is a resistance on the part of those who cling to the method of the Natural Sciences, who try not to assume the contributions of these approaches to subjects susceptible to the Social Sciences. Therefore, the present research aims to analyze phenomenology as a methodological proposal for the Social Sciences from a reflection on scientific research. The study is framed from a hermeneutic and phenomenological methodology. As final considerations, it was obtained that it is crucial for scientific communities to recognize that there is a diversity of methodologies that should be used according to the reality addressed, and that allow respecting the researcher's tradition and definitively breaking with the hegemony that still exists on the part of those who control knowledge.
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