The qualitative research Education mediated by the technology: the learning of the teacher
The pandemic added a disruptive change affecting emotional responses and increasing the debate about the effect of a reality mediated by technology. This is usually approached from a technical rationality, alien to the effect that the perceptions of teachers have on the action of the hidden curriculum. This text explores the teaching perspective, regarding the relationships and interdependencies between technology and the self-directed learning. We work from a phenomenological interpretative analysis that allows to understand the series of challenges and dilemmas that the professor must solve for an appropriation on its paradigmatic basis. The main tension centers on the boundary between the narratives themselves and those of the speakers, an aspect that should be incorporated into curricular analyses of the ethical and methodological dilemmas of teaching. This is in a context of online communication where spaces with access to nonverbal information that help the understanding of the narrative are reduced.
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