Profile of the Fishing Activity and its Importance in the Quality of Life of the Inhabitants of Bajo Alto, El Guabo – Ecuador

Keywords: Fishery activities, standard of life, quality of life, handcraft fishery, Cultural Legacy, fishermen, fishermen association


The Bajo Alto farmhouse, located in the El Guabo Canton in Ecuador, has a history marked by the socioeconomic and cultural importance that fishing activity represents, particularly, that which is carried out in an artisanal way. In this sense, this article presents the findings of a quantitative investigation, in which data have been collected that allow the elaboration of the profile of this activity, highlighting the aspects that can make it a reference when implementing public policies. that favor the elevation of the quality of life in the homes of this community. In principle, a bibliographical investigation is carried out around the fundamental features that characterize artisanal fishing in the country and in the studied community. Subsequently, a questionnaire is applied to two population strata, one of them made up of 13 leaders of the Association of Seafood and Related Collectors of the Bajo Alto community and the other, made up of 14 leaders of the 24 de Octubre Association of the community of Bajo Alto, in order to collect first-hand data about the importance of fishing activity in Bajo Alto, contrasted with their quality of life. Among the main findings of the research, it has been possible to determine the profile of fishing in relation to its socioeconomic contributions, beyond what may be its cultural significance. In any case, the leaders of the associations taken as an empirical reference in this study warn of the need to promote artisanal fishing as it is the main source of employment for its members and for the inhabitants in general of this community, while at the same time relate to the legacy of traditions and the cultural identity of Ecuadorians.


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Author Biographies

Luís Octavio Señalín-Morales, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.

Ingeniero Comercial por la Universidad técnica de Machala – Ecuador. Profesor Titular en la Universidad Técnica de Machala – Ecuador. Dirección: Panamericana Km 5 y ½ vía a pasaje.

Jorge Armando Zambrano-Campoverde, Universidad Técnica de Machala, El Oro, Ecuador.

Docente titular y miembro del equipo de Investigación de la carrera de Sociología en la Universidad Técnica de Machala, El Oro – Ecuador.

Jaime Porfirio Granda-Bohórquez, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.

Profesor Titular en la Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.

Carlos Hernán Moreno-Loaiza, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.

Profesor Titular en la Universidad Técnica de Machala – Ecuador. Dirección: Panamericana Km 5 y ½ vía a pasaje.


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How to Cite
Señalín-Morales, L. O., Zambrano-Campoverde, J. A., Granda-Bohórquez, J. P., & Moreno-Loaiza, C. H. (2023). Profile of the Fishing Activity and its Importance in the Quality of Life of the Inhabitants of Bajo Alto, El Guabo – Ecuador. Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(41), 279-299.