Environmental Consequences of the Explosion of the Kahovsky Hydroelectric Plant on Biodiversity
The purpose of this article is to determine the ecological consequences of the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant (southern Ukraine) on the biological diversity of the region. The main research methods were: theoretical generalization and system-functional approach, analysis, synthesis, expedition method. The ecological consequences of the destruction of a hydroelectric dam are divided into two types: drainage and flooding. As a result of the flooding, 48 objects of the nature reserve fund, with a total area of 120 thousand hectares, were affected. Aquatic biotopes and biotopes characteristic of overmoistened areas were the most affected by drainage. 38 rare types of biotopes, which are under the protection of the Bern Convention, were affected by the ecological disaster; wetlands of international importance (so-called Ramsar) with an area of 33,000 hectares in the Dnipro delta and seven objects of the Emerald network. Prospects for further research are related to the study of biotope restoration after an ecological disaster.
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