Wind Behavior Study in High Andean Zones, Chimborazo - Ecuador
This research aims to conduct a statistical analysis of wind behavior, both in terms of magnitude and direction, in equatorial high Andean zones within the Province of Chimborazo, spanning altitudes between 2900 meters above sea level (masl) and 4300 masl. The study utilizes meteorological data from the "Chingazo" and "Chimborazo" automatic weather stations for the years 2015, 2016, and 2017. The analysis reveals that the annual average wind speeds at the respective sites are 6.23 meters per second (m/s) and 10.74 m/s. Notably, 74.11% of the recorded wind speeds at the Chingazo station exceeded 3 m/s, with a maximum speed of 20 m/s. Meanwhile, at the Chimborazo site, 88.85% of the observed wind speeds exceeded 3 m/s, with a peak speed of 31 m/s. Furthermore, the predominant wind direction at the Chimborazo site is East_South_East (ESE), accounting for 35.33% of the data, while at the Chingazo site, it is East_North_East (ENE), representing 32.43% of the dataset. These findings exceed the minimum requirements for the technical feasibility of establishing wind farms. In conclusion, the statistical analysis conducted on these equatorial high Andean sites in the Chimborazo Province, spanning altitudes from 2900 masl to 4300 masl, supports the feasibility of implementing wind farms in these regions.
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