The Inauguration Speech of the National College of Maracaibo: April 19, 1837

Keywords: National College of Maracaibo, Political-Academic Discourse, Education, Venezuela


This article analyzes the ideas in the speeches delivered during the inauguration of the National College of Maracaibo on April 19, 1837, focusing on their educational perspective and contemporary relevance. The methodology employed is documentary and descriptive, utilizing content analysis techniques. In this context, the speeches of the Provincial Governor, Licentiate Juan Romero; the College Rector, Licentiate Carlos Urdaneta; the Vice-Rector, Master José Isidro Silva; and Father José Ramón Troconis are examined. Except for Father Troconis, these speeches are framed within the liberal thought of Enlightenment philosophy, highlighting the importance assigned to education and science as fundamental pillars for the development of society and the individual, as well as the transcendental values of the human being as a guide for political and social actions.


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Author Biographies

Imelda Rincón Finol, University of Zulia, Venezuela

Former Rector of the University of Zulia. Coordinator of the Free History Chair of the University of Zulia, Maracaibo-Venezuela.

Sheila Ortega, University of Zulia, Venezuela.

Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of Zulia, Maracaibo-Venezuela.

Gustavo López, University of Zulia, Venezuela.

Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Zulia, Maracaibo-Venezuela.


Anales del Colegio Federal del Estado Falcón Zulia. Maracaibo: Imprenta al vapor de Los Ecos del Zulia, 1883.

Cardozo Galué, Germán (1985). Maracaibo y su Puerto en los Primeros años de la República. Maracaibo: EDILUZ - Universidad del Zulia.

Golman, Lucien (1968). La Ilustración y la Sociedad actual. Caracas: Monte Ávila.

Ortega, Rutilio (1991). El Zulia en el Siglo XXI. Maracaibo: Ediciones de la Gobernación del Estado Zulia.

Rincón Finol, Imelda (2003). La Concepción Educativa en la Creación del Colegio Nacional de Maracaibo, 1830-1840. Maracaibo: Universidad del Zulia. Rectoría. Centro de Estudios Históricos.
How to Cite
Rincón Finol, I., Ortega, S., & López, G. (2024). The Inauguration Speech of the National College of Maracaibo: April 19, 1837. Journal of the University of Zulia , 15(44), 3-10.