Teaching to Teach, a Unique Approach from the Disciplines of Musical Creation

Keywords: Teacher Training, Music Education, Teaching Method, Teacher-Student Relationship, Digital Competence


The present article addresses the importance of training future music educators (creative area) with pedagogical competencies, not just technical ones. It identifies the necessary resources and tools for teaching musical composition, emphasizing the need for a metacognitive approach. The methodology includes documentary research and participant observation, highlighting the teacher-student relationship and its impact on the creative process. The results underscore the need to change the perception of music pedagogy as a secondary option, promoting comprehensive training that covers technical, theoretical, and pedagogical aspects. The study concludes that teacher preparation must adapt to diverse educational needs, integrating digital competencies and innovative methodologies.


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Author Biography

Rafael Guzmán Barrios, International University of La Rioja

Musician and teacher. International University of La Rioja


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How to Cite
Guzmán Barrios, R. (2024). Teaching to Teach, a Unique Approach from the Disciplines of Musical Creation. Journal of the University of Zulia , 15(44), 248-263. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13685398