Technoscience and Transhumanism in a Globalized World: Towards the Improvement or Overcoming of Humanity? An Ethical Reflection
The Modern Paradigm: Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable and Just Humanity. The modern paradigm, characterized by rationality, individualism, and consumerism, is generating new forms of colonialism in knowledge and politics. This human dependence on technoscience, which is the integration of science and technology, is constantly increasing, creating an inseparable relationship between the two. Transhumanism, on the other hand, seeks to improve the human being through artificial evolution, with the aim of achieving immortality, perfection, and replacing human memory with artificial intelligence. This generates a debate about the future of humanity and the ethical consequences of technoscience in a globalized world. This research aims to analyze technoscience and transhumanism in the context of globalization, and to reflect from an ethical perspective on whether these approaches will truly transcend the human essence or destroy it. The study is approached from a qualitative methodology using hermeneutics, as a method of interpretation and understanding of texts. It is concluded that it is urgent to build a sustainable and just humanity. To achieve this, we must carefully observe the advances of technoscience and transhumanism. It is fundamental to understand that science is not neutral and that technology responds to specific interests. In this sense, it is crucial to be aware of the consequences of its development and to direct it towards social well-being.
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