Agency Capacity, Individual Liberties and Human Rights. Towards a Framework for Participation in Public Affairs
The construction of an operationally functional society requires a high level of social and political commitment, which allows humanity to create the necessary conditions to achieve its full, sustainable and democratic development. This research, as a result of a documentary review, aimed to analyze the practical contributions of agency capacity, individual freedoms and human rights, as components that enhance a scheme of citizen participation in public affairs. The results indicate that the improvement of collective life depends significantly on the synergistic approach to the management of its particular requirements, which to be resolved effectively require not only a democratic vocation, but also the exercise of individual freedoms such as: consensus on alternatives associated with the common good, commitment to decision-making as a means of participation and access to resources that allow consolidating collective initiatives. In conclusion, transcending towards a life that is both democratic and permeated by a sense of community requires the elevation of critical awareness and civic commitment regarding the situations on which the enrichment of the social fabric and the construction of a just and inclusive society depend.
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