Determination of the Shear Failure Envelope by Adjusting with the Statistical Method of Error in Variables through the Relationship between the Principal Stresses
This work is based on developing the parametric representation of the failure envelope to Mohr's circles in intact rock as a function of the principal stresses. In the proposed method, the stresses are adjusted using the statistical method EIV (error-in-variables), which does not make artificial distinctions between the independent and dependent variables. To accomplish the transformation from the principal stress plane to the Mohr plane, Balmer's method was used by applying computational algebraic analysis. To illustrate and verify the application of this proposed methodology, the well-documented dataset collected from previous work by Pincus and Sheorey is used. To test the improvement provided by this method, the calculated objective function (likelihood of erroneous decision) have been compared with the parametric equation representation obtained using various least squares methods. It was found that our proposed methodology, and the transformation method of Balmer, has two advantages: i) It simplifies the process of creating a failure envelope for practical applications, and ii) It minimizes the likelihood of erroneous judgment during applications (i.e. indicating failure in a stable state or vice versa.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Orlando Zambrano Mendoza , Peter P. Valko , James E. Russell
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