Character Education In The Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0 And Its Relevance To The High School Learning Transformation Process

Palabras clave: Character Education, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Learning Transformation, Literature Studies. educación del carácter, estudios de literature, revolución industrial 4.0, transformación del aprendizaje.




This study aims to discuss the approach to the implementation of character education management in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) and its impact on student learning transformation. The research method in the process of data collection is done through literature studies and interviews of character-building teachers and high school students. The results of this study showed that the teacher’s lack of understanding of IR 4.0 had an impact on the use of the character education approach used by teachers.




Este estudio tiene como objetivo discutir el enfoque para la implementación de la gestión de la educación del carácter en la era de la revolución industrial 4.0 (IR 4.0) y su impacto en la transformación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El método de investigación en el proceso de recopilación de datos se realiza a través de estudios de literatura y entrevistas con maestros de formación de carácter y estudiantes de secundaria. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que la falta de comprensión del maestro de IR 4.0 tuvo un impacto en el uso del enfoque de educación del carácter utilizado por los maestros.

Biografía del autor/a

HERIYANTO HERIYANTO, Universitas Pendidikan

Heriyanto was born on 23 Jan 1975. He is a lecturer at Bandung School of Theology. He got his bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees from Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung, and UPI in 2000, 2005, and 2019, respectively. He was the Coordinator of Youth ministry from 1999-2003. He is currently a lecturer at STT Bandung (2003-2005, 2007-Now).

D. SATORI, Universitas Pendidikan

Djaman was born on 02 August 1950. His current positions are Head of Provincial Accreditation Board for School and Madrasah, West Java, Professor in Educational Administration for both Undergraduate and Graduate Consultant for Education Quality Assurance, Trainer, Facilitator, and Resource Person for areas related to Educational Administration. He got his bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees is in Educational Administration from IKIP Bandung, Macquarie University and IKIP Bandung in 1974, 1983, and 1989, respectively.

A. KOMARIAH, Universitas Pendidikan

Aan was born on 24 May 1970. She is currently a professor in the Administration of Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. She got her bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees is in Educational Administration from IKIP Bandung, IKIP Bandung, and UPI in 1993, 1999, and 2005, respectively. Her most recent conducted academic research was the Development of an Authentic Leadership Model for Value Planting in Madrasa Change Management (2015-2017). She also published five books from 2006 to 2010.

A. SURYANA, Universitas Pendidikan

Asep is currently an associate professor in educational administration at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia: Bandung. He got his bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees is in Educational Administration from IKIP Bandung, UPI, and UPI in 1995, 2004, and 2010, respectively. His most recent conducted academic research was the Development of Value-Based Leadership Models in Bandung Elementary Schools (Trial Models in SD Lab-School and SDN Sukawarna 3). He also published six books from 2007 to 2013.



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Cómo citar
HERIYANTO, H., SATORI, D., KOMARIAH, A., & SURYANA, A. (2019). Character Education In The Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0 And Its Relevance To The High School Learning Transformation Process. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 327-340. Recuperado a partir de