Social and Economic Challenge on Street Vending and Prostitution of Women

  • A. SOLONG University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.
  • D. MAGGASINGANG University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.
  • M. RAHMAN University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.
  • A.R. BEBASA University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.




This study explains the condition of women street vending as a business that is capable of enhancing and strengthening the economic status of women in a family, but on the other hand, as a way that promotes prostitution. The approach used in this study is the ethnographic approach that seeks to understand the emic and the ethics of the research subjects. Finally, it can be understood that the prostitutes do not have the "Siri" (shame) values in their life, which is an institutionalized culture in society of Buginese and Makassarese.



Este estudio explica la condición de la venta ambulante de mujeres como un negocio que es capaz de mejorar y fortalecer el estatus económico de las mujeres en una familia, pero por otro lado, como una forma de promover la prostitución. El enfoque utilizado en este estudio es el enfoque etnográfico que busca comprender la ética de los sujetos de investigación. Finalmente, se puede entender que las prostitutas no tienen los valores de "siri" (vergüenza) en su vida. Que es una cultura institucionalizada en la sociedad de Buginese y Makassarese.

Author Biographies

A. SOLONG, University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.

Aras Solong was born on 14th August 1962 at Maros in South Sulawesi in Indonesia. He completed his first degree in 1986 at Universitas Veteran Republik Indonesia (UVRI) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration. He later attained his Master’s Degree in 2000, specializing in Development Studies from UNHAS. His Doctoral Degree is in administration from UNHAS. He is a Senior Lecturer of Universitas Islam Makassar in the Department of Public Administration in the Faculty of Social Studies and Politics. 

D. MAGGASINGANG, University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.
Djainuddin Maggasingang was born on 31st December 1955 at Majene in South Sulawesi in Indonesia. He is specialized in Public Administration. He obtained his first degree in 1982 from IKIP Ujung Pandang plus a Masters from UNHAS. He has a Doctor's degree in Public Administration from Universitas Brawijaya in Malang.
M. RAHMAN, University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.
Mariati Rahman is a specialist in Public Administration and an Associate Professor of Universitas Islam Makassar. She is among the few female Lecturers at the Department of Public Administration in the Faculty of Social Studies and Politics at Universitas Islam Makassar.
A.R. BEBASA, University Islam Makassar. Indonesia.

Abd. Rahman Bebasa was born in South Sulawesi in the 1960s. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Governance in 1984 from UNHAS. In 1997, he graduated with a Masters’ Degree in Development Administration from UNHAS. He completed his Doctor Degree in Public Administration from Universitas Negeri Makassar in 2016. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Publication Administration, Faculty of Social Studies, and Politics at Universitas Islam Makassar.


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How to Cite
SOLONG, A., MAGGASINGANG, D., RAHMAN, M., & BEBASA, A. (2020). Social and Economic Challenge on Street Vending and Prostitution of Women. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 171-184. Retrieved from