Research, Education and Society: A look from ethical challenges
Research, Education and Society: A look from ethical challenges
The present work focuses on the value of research to promote, in particular from the rethinking of ethical requirements, an education that is capable of assuming the construction of the future, committed to academic quality and socially responsible, capable of deciding, from reflection and action, the tension between the necessary pertinence, as attention to the needs of society, and due im-pertinence, as an ethical, critical and transforming look. In its classical origins and its contemporary implications, the relationship between research and truth, as search and construction, is examined through cognitive and social mediations in the interaction between expert knowledge and social knowledge. From the bases of humanistic education, the conditions of research in techno-scientific societies are examined, to critically contrast the research-power relationship and value the contributions of research to social life. Focusing the analysis on the role of the researcher and on their main challenges, the foundations, aspects and perspectives of improvement of the research work are analyzed, at the levels of their individual, institutional and social practice, in order to value their contributions to an education of future with rehumanizing meaning.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Víctor MARTÍN-FIORINO, Darwin MUÑOZ-BUITRAGO
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