Participatory process for the design and implementation of transformative peace communication campaigns

Participatory process for the design and implementation of transformative peace communication campaigns

  • Esteban RAMOS MUSLERA Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras -UNAH
  • Manuel MONTAÑÉS SERANO Universidad de Valladolid -UVa
Keywords: communication campaigns, social publicity, public relations, participation, peace


This article describes the participatory process of university students through which two communication campaigns of great media impact were designed, implemented and evaluated, whose objectives were the creation of a critical trend of opinion on violence and in favor of peace, as well as the formation of peer leaders capable of generating in their social networks, both classic and telematic, debates, reflections and actions in favor of the construction of Transformative Peace. Both campaigns were promoted by the Peace Area of the University Institute for Democracy, Peace and Security (IUDPAS) of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH).


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How to Cite
RAMOS MUSLERA, E., & MONTAÑÉS SERANO, M. (2021). Participatory process for the design and implementation of transformative peace communication campaigns: Participatory process for the design and implementation of transformative peace communication campaigns. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 26(95), 172-188. Retrieved from