Automated test to measure the academic writing competence on Faculty of Education postgraduate students

  • Pedro GARCÍA SUÁREZ Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, España
  • Roxana Beatriz MARTÍNEZ NIETO Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, España
Keywords: academic writing, test, academic university competencies, End of Year Project, postgraduate


The Research Group on University Academic Competences (CAUNIR) is working on creating an automated test that measures the academic writing competence of postgraduate students from the Faculty of Education. It works by recognising the most frequent errors made when drafting a Master's Thesis. The objective of this article is to present this new tool and its potential to facilitate the acquisition of the necessary skills when writing an academic study.


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How to Cite
GARCÍA SUÁREZ, P., & MARTÍNEZ NIETO, R. B. (2021). Automated test to measure the academic writing competence on Faculty of Education postgraduate students. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 27(96), e5790295. Retrieved from