Decolonizing the Exercise of Power: Latin American Experiences

  • Abdiel RODRÍGUEZ REYES Universidad de Panamá


In this article we examine the concept of power to decolonize it and learn from other experiences whose content is distinct from that of domination. In that sense, we are oriented by Zapatista and Latin American progressivism. These experiences are a crack in the wall of capitalist modernity. Both the Zapatista anti-systemic movement and political progressivism take advantage of this rift to open new horizons where power is exercised in a distinct way, for liberation from the bonds of capitalist modernity.

Author Biography

Abdiel RODRÍGUEZ REYES, Universidad de Panamá

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad del País Vasco. Profesor investigador del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Panamá. Es editor jefe de la revista Societas, ISSN 2644-3791. Entre sus actividades recientes, publicó el libro Pensamiento Crítico: Ensayos sobre Filosofía de la Liberación y Decolonialidad en la editorial Heraldos Editores.


Pensamiento Crítico:



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How to Cite
RODRÍGUEZ REYES, A. (2023). Decolonizing the Exercise of Power: Latin American Experiences. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 28(103), e8396248. Retrieved from