The ghostwriter. Participation in academic fraud of degree theses in universities
El escritor fantasma. Participación en el fraude académico de las tesis de grado en las universidades
The university has been affected in recent decades by the appearance of a character who acts in the shadows, called a ghost writer or black, an active subject who participates in fraud in the completion of final degree projects, whose authorship is his. and not the student. The purpose of this research was to interpret the perceptions of some ghostwriters about their participation in academic fraud in the completion of undergraduate and postgraduate thesis at the university, as a subject participating in a form of consensual plagiarism, which is increasing at a speed dizzying. For Montesinos (2013), this fraud constitutes a form of plagiarism, because for it to be committed it is not necessary that the conduct be contrary to the consent of the plagiarized author. To achieve this purpose, a study was carried out from a qualitative approach with application of the hermeneutical method. The techniques used were the comparative analysis of some disciplinary regulations and the interview. Five key informants, of different Latin American nationalities, participated by providing information according to their experience and subjective and particular perception of reality. The results show coinciding opinions on the causes for which students and professionals come to them, on their motivations, on the consideration of the person responsible the academic fraud, and on their positive and negative assessment of their activity. Finally, some recommendations for university institutions are presented based on the information provided by the informants and the researcher.
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