Management of the academic offer and student satisfaction in times of COVID-19 in Postgraduate studies at the Universidad Señor de Sipán

Keywords: Universities, Postgraduates, COVID-19, Peru


The objective of this research was to manage the relevant elements of the academic offer and the relationship with student satisfaction in times of COVID-19 at the Graduate School of the Universidad Señor de Sipán, 2021. The research is of a basic type, with the purpose of reinforcing existing knowledge, on the specification of determining variables of supply and demand, for the master's degrees of the Universidad Señor de Sipán, which take validity in the observable reality itself and in times of pandemic in the year 2021. the inductive-deductive method; the research design is non-experimental. The results were analyzed through the statistical variables of descriptive form and content. To do this, the research hypothesis was contrasted and tested, where the management of the academic training offer has a positive relationship with student satisfaction in times of COVID-19, in postgraduate studies at the Universidad Señor de Sipán during the year 2021, using the Pearson's correlation coefficient, with a significance level of α = 0.05, obtaining an index of 0.912.


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Author Biographies

Húber Rodríguez Nomura, Universidad Señor de Sipán, Perú.

Universidad Señor de Sipán, Perú.

Erick Salazar Montoya, Universidad Señor de Sipán, Perú.

Universidad Señor de Sipán, Perú.

José Arturo Rodríguez Kong, Universidad Señor de Sipán, Perú.

Universidad Señor de Sipán, Perú.

María Patricia Rodríguez Kong, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú.

Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú.

Soledad Janett Mostacero Llerena, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú.

Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Nomura, H., Salazar Montoya, E., Rodríguez Kong, J. A., Rodríguez Kong, M. P., & Mostacero Llerena, S. J. (2022). Management of the academic offer and student satisfaction in times of COVID-19 in Postgraduate studies at the Universidad Señor de Sipán. Journal of the University of Zulia , 13(38), 785-802.

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