Impact of Online Learning on the Satisfaction of Agroindustrial Engineering University Students

Keywords: Online learning, satisfaction, technology, teacher competencies, quality


The objective of the study was to analyze the impact of online learning on the satisfaction of agroindustrial engineering students. The study was of an applied type, quantitative approach, quasi-experimental design and explanatory level. The population was 235 students of the seventh cycle of Engineering from a private university in Lima. The sample was 70 Agroindustrial Engineering students, from the Supply Chain Management subject, divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group. The questionnaire had 30 items to measure student satisfaction and its dimensions: teacher competencies, quality of the virtual course, technological tools; virtual classroom design and virtual course development environment. To measure online learning, six online sessions were implemented through Google Meet. A pre- and post-test was performed on each group. In the pre-test, both groups obtained a medium level of perception, while, in the post-test, the control group reached a medium level, and the experimental group reached a high level. In the pre-test, no significant differences were identified between the groups; however, in the post-test it was confirmed that online learning significantly impacts the satisfaction of the students in the experimental group.


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Author Biography

Roberto Carlos Dávila Morán, Universidad Continental. Huancayo, Junin, Perú.

Docente. Universidad Continental. Huancayo, Junin, Perú.


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How to Cite
Dávila Morán, R. C. (2023). Impact of Online Learning on the Satisfaction of Agroindustrial Engineering University Students. Journal of the University of Zulia , 15(42), 559-577.