Crowdsourcing as a business tool and the creation of a startup in the Faculty of Engineering of a Public University of Peru
Crowdsourcing is based on the contribution and collaboration of the members of a virtual community on a particular issue or to develop a specific task. The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between crowdsourcing as a business tool in the creation of a startup in a Public University of Peru. As a methodology, the deductive method was used from the comparison of previous research with the results of several studies, a literature review of concepts, findings and contributions from various authors was carried out, which were compiled in an organized way and then described in the document. The sample consisted of 86 students, the Likert-type questionnaire was used, with 20 and 19 items respectively, to determine the relationship of the study variables, the non-parametric Spearman Rho test was used, the results show a correlation coefficient of 0.362. Which indicates that, with a significance value of 0.001, there is a relationship between crowdsourcing as a business tool in the creation of a startup, the research concludes that by using this tool there are significant improvements in the process of creating a startup.
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