Impact of policies on the transformation processes of the education system of the Caribbean Coast

Impact of policies on the transformation processes of the education system of the Caribbean Coast

  • Ilya CASANOVA ROMERO Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Jairo MACIAS-OROZCO Institución Educativa Almirante Padilla
  • María Cecibel MENDOZA Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Keywords: public policiespublic policies, tourism, Caribbean coast, education system


The impact of public and economic policies aimed at improving the quality of life of the Caribbean coast requires the process of transformation of the educational system in the Tourist and Cultural District of Riohacha. Relevant public policies were systematically reviewed, and stakeholder interviews were conducted. Tourism is a wasted resource in La Guajira due to a lack of vision and government management, the three sectors that must be involved and articulate in joint projects are isolated, showing that public and economic policies have not impacted on the reality of the population.


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How to Cite
CASANOVA ROMERO, I., MACIAS-OROZCO, J., & MENDOZA, M. C. (2021). Impact of policies on the transformation processes of the education system of the Caribbean Coast: Impact of policies on the transformation processes of the education system of the Caribbean Coast. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 26(95), 41-56. Retrieved from