Doing in thinking and Thinking in doing: towards an Other science
What we present below is the revised transcription of some of the presentations we made between June 20 and July 4 during the sessions of the Course-Debate "Doing in Thinking and Thinking in Doing: Towards Another Science," as part of the program developed virtually by the UAIN (Autonomous Indigenous University). These presentations are based on and inspired by the writings and personal conversations with our brother, Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves, particularly in two of his latest articles ("On Pandemic and Racism" and "Civilizational Virus"). It is important to note that everything presented here should be understood as a summary of our learning from sharing with Master Carlos Walter, who will always be more than just an Ayounakein (a foreigner with heart) to us; rather, he is an Araüra Keintaari, meaning a “Elder who holds wisdom in his heart.” Therefore, his words must always be valued for the teaching and enthusiasm they inspire.
PORTO-GONCALVES C. W. (2020). La Bolsa o la Vida: más allá de la financierización de la vida. Colección Biblioteca de la UAIN – Universidad Autónoma Indígena – UAIN Wainjirawa. San Isidro Buen Suceso – Tlaxcala – México - Primavera – Verano.
PORTO-GONCALVES C. W. (2017). Amazonía: encrucijada civilizatoria. Tensiones territoriales en curso. Consequencia Editora – Río de Janeiro –.
PORTO-GONCALVES C. W. (2009). Territorialidades y luchas por el territorio en América Latina. Geografía de los movimientos sociales en América Latina. Ediciones IVIC – Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas – Caracas – Venezuela –.
QUINTERO WEIR J. Á. (2022). Conocer desde el Sentipensar indígena. Teoría y Práctica del conocimiento para la vida. UAIN-Wainjirawa – IXIM Cooperativa de Diseño – Guadalajara- México.
QUINTERO WEIR J. Á. (2021). Hacer Comunidad. Ediciones Pomarrosa. Veracruz – México-.