University, citizenship and interculturality. Contributions for a decolonial pedagogy
University, citizenship and interculturality. Contributions for a decolonial pedagogy
This research seeks to contribute to the contemporary debate in relation to the role that the university plays in the formation of citizenship, for this the contributions of decolonial thought that proposes from the same decolonial and intercultural pedagogical praxis to incorporate the various social expressions is taken as a theoretical reference, policies and ethics that characterize the peoples and cultures of our America. For this, the objective of this study is to analyze the university, citizenship and interculturality as contributions to a decolonial pedagogy. From a hermeneutical methodology that allows to interpret and understand some key aspects for the construction of another university. It is concluded that promoting a decolonial education from the university contributes to building another pedagogy that from experiences not systematized by the West allow to show other didactic and methodological routes of learning. The university must be a space where all the various cultural, artistic, political, poetic, literary, philosophical and world-views of their own frequent, without one getting in the way of others, seeking from utopia and hope to build another world.
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