Does Continuity of The Body Determine Personal Identity?


Philosophers have long asked a fundamental metaphysical question: by what
criterion can a person persist in her identity? The most common-sense criterion is the body, according to which, a person persists in her identity, if and only if the same body is preserved. Despite its intuitive appeal, this position brings forth many interesting philosophical questions. Some interesting thought experiments, such as the ship of Theseus, can shed light on the adequateness of the body criterion. Yet, other thought experiments, mostly derived from Derek Parfit’s philosophy, invite further thought about the adequateness of the body as criterion for personal identity. This article examines these questions.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Andrade, Ajman University, United Arab Emirates

Licenciado en Sociología - Universidad del Zulia - Venezuela.

M.Sc. en Filosofía - Universidad del Zulia - Venezuela.

Profesor en Ajman University, Emiratos Arabes Unidos.

Anteriormente, ha sido profesor en St Matthew's University en las Islas Cayman, Xavier University en Aruba, y Universidad del Zulia, en Venezuela.

Ha publicado más de diez libros, y más de cincuenta articulos.


Cuddy, Luke, 2011. Halo and Philosophy. New York: Open Court.

Graham, George. 1998. Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction. Wiley Blackwell.

Noonan, Harold. 2003. Personal Identity. New York: Routledge.

Nozick, Robert. 1981. Philosophical Explanations. Harvard University Press.

Parfit, Derek. 1984. Reasons and Persons. Oxford University Press.

Parfit, Derek. 1995. “An Interview with Derek Parfit”. Cogito; 9, 2.

How to Cite
Andrade, G. (2020). Does Continuity of The Body Determine Personal Identity?. Revista De Filosofía, 36(92), 26-42. Retrieved from