Pensamiento ecológico latinoamericano y su aporte a un nuevo modelo educativo

Latin American Ecological Thought and its Contribution to a new Educational Model

Keywords: Leonardo Boff; ecology; education


In the Latin American intellectual tradition the work of Leonardo Boff constitutes a cardinal figure. His criticisms of Western civilization judge the scientific and technological paradigm on which modernity erected man as the center of what exists. In his reflections, he claims the emergence of a new civilizational paradigm centered on life and not on capital, for which he considers that ecology constitutes the foundation of a new way of understanding reality from the perspective of ethics. All of which imposes a new type of education in which coexistence, care, peace, the protection of the marginalized and impoverished, the cultivation of life in all its expressions and solidarity are a fundamental part.


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BOFF, L. (2000). La dignidad de la Tierra. Ecología, mundialización, espiritualidad. La emergencia de un nuevo paradigma. Editorial Trotta, S.A, Madrid. p. 37.

BOFF, Leonardo (1996). Ecología: grito de la Tierra, grito de los pobres, Editorial Trotta, S.A, Madrid. p. 6.

BOFF, L. (2002).El cuidado esencial. Ética de lo humano, compasión por la Tierra, Editorial Trotta,S.A, Madrid. p. 111.

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How to Cite
Guanilo Pareja, C. G., Pareja Pera, L. Y., & Guanilo Paredes, C. E. (2021). Pensamiento ecológico latinoamericano y su aporte a un nuevo modelo educativo: Latin American Ecological Thought and its Contribution to a new Educational Model. Revista De Filosofía, 38(97), 341-353.