Filosofia para niños y niñas: una herramienta para fortalecer la lectura en el aula y el pensamiento crítico
Philosophy for Boys and Girls: a Tool to Strengthen Classroom Reading and Critical Thinking
The evident lack of interest for reading observed in our classrooms, leads to consider The Philosophy for Children’s Program (hereinafter PhFCh) as anaccepted pedagogical tool that allows to strengthen reading habits and philosophical understanding of the most relevant aspects of this program. However, these tools are not only designed for the teaching of Philosophy, but they are extended to other areas of human thought. The main object of this proposal is to explain the theoretical foundations that support The Philosophy for Children’s Program and how through its novels critical thinking is encouraged and reading in the classroom is promoted.
Accorinti, Stella (2000) “Trabajando en el aula”. Ediciones Manantial. Buenos Aires. Argentina, p. 4
Lipman, Mathew (1992) “La Filosofía en el Aula”. Ediciones la Torre, Madrid-España, p. 197
Facione, P. A. (1990). “Critical thinking: a statement of consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction. “The American Philosophical Association”. Delphi Report. Millbrae: California Academic Press. p. 3
Panikkar, R. (2002.) “La interpelación cultural” en Granciano González R Arnaíz (coord) “El discurso intercultural. Prolegómenos a una filosofía intercultural”. Biblioteca Nueva. Madrid, pp.24-25
Freire, Pablo (1979). “Extensión o Comunicación”, México, Siglo XXI, p.46.
Fornet-Betancourt, R. (2001) “Transformación Intercultural de la Filosofía”, Bilbao. Desclée de Brouwer, p.17