Desarrollo sostenible: Crítica al modelo de civilización occidental
Sustainable Development: Criticism of the Western Civilization Model
This papers aims to analyze the discourse of sustainable development as opposed to that proposed by Eurocentric modernity. For this, the work is based on four fundamental aspects: 1. It presents the most relevant characteristics of Western modernity, which have clear imperial, colonial, xenophobic and exclusive connotations, which manifest the intention of erecting a monolithic, monocultural civilization based on in the omnipotence of reason. 2. It points out how capitalism and anthropocentrism to the expansion of the western civilizing model, having serious consequences in the deterioration of life on the planet. 3. It shows that, given the accelerated advance of westernization and planetary deterioration, the discourse of sustainable development is given rise, supported by the documents of the World Conservation Union (1980), the Brundtland Report (CMMAD, 1987), the Summit of the Earth in Rio de Janeiro (1992), the World Summit in Johannesburg (2002), among others, which have clear biocentric and ecological connotations, giving recognition to the intrinsic value of nature, denied by modern anthropocentrism. 4. Finally, it raises the need to decolonize sustainable development, recognize the voices silenced and forgotten by modernity, and open the dialogue of knowledge, the recognition of spirituality and ancestral memory, as necessary paths to advance towards the construction of a different world and different imaginary. The article is developed through documentary research; it does not pretend to be conclusive, but to serve as a reflection on this already broad discussion.
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