Lyotard, el arte y lo humano. A vueltas con lo irrepresentable
Lyotard, Art and Human. On the Unrepresentable
What is human cannot be thought without that which annuls it, namely: the inhuman. Among the thinkers who have approached this question from an aesthetic point of view, Jean-François Lyotard stands out. What is inhuman is defined by contrast to what is human, but it is also defined by the problem of the representability of what we consider to be inhuman. Presentable, representable, unrepresentable are very central concepts in the thought of the late Lyotard. In the last ten years of his life, his philosophical program had to do with rewriting modernity, in carrying out his anamnesis, specifically thinking more deeply about the question of “Jews” and the significance of Auschwitz. Representing Auschwitz is a way of making the crime forget, because it cannot be represented without fail, since what that term designates as fact defies images and words. Lyotard stands on the side of those who defend the unrepresentability of the Shoah. This radicalism contrasts with the reality of numerous works of art that treat the Shoah as a paradigm of inhumanity. Against Lyotard's point of view, three main arguments will be given to defend the representability of the inhuman and its cognitive, ethical and political functions, so central in contemporary art.
LYOTARD, Jean François, Heidegger et les Juifs, Galilée, París, 1988, p. 13
LYOTARD, Jean François, Heidegger y “los judíos”, Buenos Aires, La Marca, 1995, p. 17.
FREUD, Sigmund, Gesammelte Werke. Chronologisch geordnet, Imago, Londres, vol. X, 1952, pp. 250 y 280.
ADORNO, T.W., Ästhetische Theorie, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 1973, p. 113.
LYOTARD, Jean François, La chambre sourde. Antiesthétique de Malraux, Galilée, París, 1998.
RANCIÈRE, Jacques, Le destin des images, La Fabrique, París, 2003, p. 145
RANCIÈRE, Jacques, El destino de las imágenes, Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2011, p. 136.
FREUD, Sigmund, Gesammelte Werke. Chronologisch geordnet, Imago, Londres, vol. X, 1952, pp. 126-131
LYOTARD, Jean François, Les Immatériaux. Vol. 1: Album. Inventaire, Centre Georges Pompidou, París, 1985.
LYOTARD, Jean François, Le Postmoderne expliqué aux enfants: Correspondance 1982-1985, Galilée, París, 1986, p. 100
LYOTARD, Jean François, La posmodernidad (explicada a los niños), Barcelona, Gedisa, 1987, p. 100
LYOTARD, Jean François, Moralités postmodernes, Galilée, París, p. 79
LYOTARD, Jean François, Moralidades postmodernas, Tecnos, Madrid, 1996, p. 63
WILLIAMS, James, Lyotard and the Political, Routledge, Londres y Nueva York, 2000.
ENAUDEAU, Corinne, “La politique entre nihilisme et histoire", Cités, 45, 2011, pp. 103-115.