Corrupción en América Latina: Dimensiones filosóficas para su evaluación

Corruption in Latin America: Philosophical Dimensions for Evaluation


This papper aims to analyze the phenomenon of corruption from a philosophical perspective, distancing itself from the traditional approaches of contemporary political theory. To achieve this end, the article focuses on the following aspects: 1. It presents a conceptualization of corruption, taking as a reference the categorization of the private and the public offered by politics, indicating that it is from the misrepresentation of these concepts when corruption takes on more complex dimensions. This reality is accentuated by the kidnapping of the State, the rise of the bourgeoisie and the appearance of capitalism as a hegemonic economic system, imposed by globalization. 2. Points out the structural, institutional and cultural factors that shape corruption in Latin America, which has a negative impact on the consolidation of regional Democrats. 3. It shows how the distortion of the public and private sphere widens the problem of corruption, promoting marginalization, exclusion and other series of social pathologies that conflict with universal human rights. The work does not pretend to establish a definitive position on the subject, but rather to offer theoretical inputs to encourage debate and serve as a reference in this broad discussion.


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How to Cite
Obando Peralta, E. C., Ruffner de Vega, J. G. R., & Rincón Martínez, A. M. (2021). Corrupción en América Latina: Dimensiones filosóficas para su evaluación: Corruption in Latin America: Philosophical Dimensions for Evaluation. Revista De Filosofía, 38(99), 292 - 303.
I. Ética, Globalidad Crítica y Bienestar Humano