La vacunación contra el COVID-19 en mujeres embarazadas: Dilemas bioéticos sobre su implementación
Vaccination against COVID-19 in Pregnant Women: Bioethical Dilemmas about its Implementation
This paper explores the bioethical dimension of the vaccination process for COVID-19 in pregnant women. To achieve this objective, the following aspects are considered: 1) the historical antecedents of immunization, rescuing the importance of the works of Wortley, Jenner, Pasteur, among others. 2) The dilemmas that have arisen around the practice of vaccination, among which the growing commercialization of the pharmaceutical industry stands out, articulating to a macro project of globalization and social exclusion. However, in the midst of this onslaught of the contemporary economic model, key approaches emerge to safeguard the right to life and the protection of human dignity, such as the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights proposed by UNESCO in 2005 3) The various obstetric and ethical positions considered for the use of vaccines in pregnant women. 4) The dilemmas arising from the implementation of vaccines for COVID-19 on pregnant women, not yet having enough scientific documentation to know the adverse effects in the future. It concludes on the need to evaluate each particular case before making a decision regarding the immunization of women in the midst of the pandemic, considering, previously, health as a fundamental human right and the right to information, as a means to take a wise decision in relation to the subject.
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